Training Week One

So I got through week one of training and it went pretty well overall.

Two things happened: I gained 5 pounds. I realized I do in fact have 3 swim speeds. Except they aren't, Warm up, Sprint, VO2 Max and steady state which is what is on my training schedule per super coach Diane. For me, it's more like, floating, swimming and drowning.  But hey- I get credit for trying right?

And the 5 pounds... my hubby says it due to my muscles retaining water. Geez I hope so. If I was trying to lose weight this would be so disheartening!!

My workouts went well though, I say well instead of great because I am OUT OF SHAPE. It's gonna be a long road I tell ya. And it's freakin freezing around here so that doesn't help. Is it just me or when that sharp cold wind whips in my face I can hardly catch my breathe? But I got through it. My runs were slow and my legs hurt like I just started running. My first bike ride felt decent, but adjusting to being in that seat and with your back curved into aero position, well... it sucks.

During my training for B2B 70.3 I HATED the bike. Hated it because I hated the seat. I got fitted over and over again, I did everything I could and I was still miserable. Then I discovered (now imagine some background soprano going "AHHHHHHHHH") ADAMO.

Let's take a look at this little miracle.  This is the one I have. It's the Adamo Typhoon.

My husband loves these too. He has the Adamo Racing Saddle and swears by it. He says, "It made my long rides (5 hours++) possible when a regular saddle wouldn't."

Funny looking, I know, but if you have a chance to try one of these, you should. They aren't more expensive than most nice saddles. Brian, my husband thought it took more time to get used to. But not me, to me it was a glorious, welcome relief. 

Why is this even important? Well, in my opinion it is tough to focus on your ride and the workout when you are completely caught up in being uncomfortable. This is the most comfortable seat I have ever been on!

So, at this point I'm still just getting used to riding, but this baby really helps. Get one.


IronPretty said...
February 11, 2010 at 9:34 PM

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