Best anti-wrinkle there is... like it or not!

So, I have discovered:

Elta MD UV Clear SPF 46

Elta MD UV Clear SPF 46 1.7 oz. A lightweight, oil-free sunscreen for sensitive or acne-prone skin. Elta MD UV Clear SPF 46 Lightweight, oil-free formulation provides broad-spectrum protection. May be worn alone or under makeup. Calms and soothes skin. Ideal for sensitive or acne-prone complexions.

I love this stuff!!! It is so light and non greasy it is amazing! Not many people realize that when buying sunscreen for your face there are lots of things that are important.
1. You don't want to look like you have sunscreen on. The "zinc oxide" look left us in the 80's, so having a white sheen on your face from sunscreen, and worse, under your makeup is a huge no no.
2. The SPF matters. Well duh, of course it does. Except a lot of people think that an SPF of 10 that's in their foundation is just fine. It is not, that is way too LOW.
3. No one wants breakouts because they wore sunscreen. What would you choose when faced with wrinkles or zits? Neither I say. This stuff is light, oil free and it hasn't given me a single pimple.
4. I don't want to look like a grease ball. Granted this is a creamy sunscreen and it is very light, so if you have oily skin, this might be borderline. But, I don't get a super greasy face when using this, which is key. Applying my makeup over this is super easy. I don't feel like I have anything on 1 minute after I have applied it.
It's around $20, but well worth it... one of the things I love about it, is that it reminds you to apply to your face, neck and hands. Even I appreciate the reminder that those are the three places that show your age more than anywhere else. Age spots on your hands, wrinkles on your neck and face.. ICK! So next time you are stressing about your forehead creases, don't forget you neck and hands.
Tan Pretty- with Elta MD.

Tan Legs

Ladies... Feeling pasty because you haven't gotten some beach time in? Don't feel as confident in a skirt or shorts because your legs are so white they are translucent? Scared of those stinky sunless tanners and ending up with a streaky orangey glow? Or, are you just one of these people that simply don't tan?

I found the solution (actually my sis did)!!

I tried lorac Tantalizer and my legs have a nice glowy tan look! Its like applying moisturizer and its not permanent. But, it feels weightless and totally disappears so much you can't tell you put anything on your legs! And its dummy proof, no worries about streaks or anything. Its looks really natural and it smells nice too! Find it at Sephora!

LORAC TANtalizer Body Bronzing Luminizer, 5.7 fl oz

Run and Live Pretty!

YES YES to No!No! Skin!!

This is one of those I thought.. yeah right.. NO WAY this works. And yet it actually kinda does. What am I saying, there is no kinda about it, it works!

I had a trip to England booked and all of a sudden I got this bump on my face, it was painful and so big I named it Fred. I was desperate for a solution. Who wants to go on vacation with that on their face right? So I ordered and overnighted the No!No! and let me just say that I was impressed. Now, I'd like to note, it did not instantly disappear, but instead of getting bigger and bigger like those types of blemishes tend to (cystic acne), it got less red, and slowly started to shrink each day more and more. The pain went away pretty quickly and although it still took a fair amount of time (2 weeks) to go away completely, it diminished to a point that it was easily covered with a makeup and barely noticeable. I also think it took a smidge longer because I had the "problem" for a few days before I started hitting it with the No!No!. I have zapped everything else I felt coming on right at the the first "I feel a little something growing twinge" and it has indeed, gone away. The other great thing is, there are no refills, you just plug it in and charge it, and each "zap" is only 10 seconds. You feel nothing really, a tiny warming sensation at the most, but nothing that is really noticeable. The big con, is that it is $180. Ouch. But seriously, for all of us out there that have started growing the "hormone zit", or the "stress zit" or whatever, this baby is for you! I mean, this type of acne can leave scars!! And it is for all kinds of acne, (just not for blackheads). So, it doesn't have to be a big mama jamma to work. However, if you have a face full of acne, then you need a lot more than this to fix it. Realistically, who is going to spend 5 minutes zapping their face twice a day. I'd like to also say that I still maintain the regimen that I always use on my face while I'm engaging the No!No!. Meaning I still dab a little 10% Benzol Peroxide on anything cropping up as well.

Anyway, it's a winner, get one!

No!no! Skin Acne Treatment System

Run and Live PRETTY!

PS- They are available in a pink case too!

Compression Socks

OK, so I was never into the knee highs in high school and now that I see compression socks have caught on and knee highs are EVERYWHERE.

FASHION NIGHTMARE I say.. but then again, when does comfort and recovery trump looking good? I know this has huge variations and most people would say everytime. But, I'm not most people. :-) But miracles do happen...I learned to swim, heck, some of my friends remember when I didn't own tennis shoes. There was even a time in my life that if any siginficant other wore sneakers or tennis shoes at anytime other than to work out that it was a total deal breaker. You laugh, but it's true.

In 2008 my husband raced the Ironman Championships in Kona Hawaii. And lets just say if you weren't wearing them you looked odd. Athletes wear them to recover and to race.. but are both appropriate?

My pal Ryan ( says they rule. What do you think???

I know, it's been a while.....

So I started this blog in 2009 because I had signed up for an Ironman and I thought the concept of testing out all the long lasting beauty products out there was a useful, creative concept. Shortly thereafter, I left the world of television and joined the world of sponsorship. I also started building a house. I loved the change, however I quickly realized that dedicating myself to this career path and building my dream home was going to require my full attention. So, I trained less and less and next thing you know, I realized that an Ironman was just not in the cards for me. It made me really sad to "quit" and the feelings it conjured up about my dedication to the sport were certainly not pleasant. But, it is what it is and so, to my dedicated readers, I am sorry I have been off the map. I have been embarrassed to address the situation, but no longer! I realized as time has passed that I have a lot to say. I have discovered some fabulous new products that ANYONE would like, not just a woman, and certainly not just a triathlete.

So, IronPretty begins again.. I might not be training for an Ironman, but I still run, and damn it,  I still run PRETTY!

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