I posted the above comment on Facebook after a swim recently and boy did I get a lot of commentary. I came to one conclusion after I read the posts and spoke to some ladies about it. Girls hate goggles.
And, it’s not tough to guess why we hate them. We spend our lives trying to cover up bags under our eyes and dark circles and prevent eye wrinkles and what do goggles go and do? Give you the biggest, baggiest, purplest nasty under eye circles you have ever seen! We get marks on our faces that last 24+ hours and then get accused of being hungover at work, or severely depressed or just tired and sick looking!
After my first time in the pool learning to swim I clearly remember being in the locker room and after I changed, I went to a mirror to brush my hair.
Dear Lord, I was a MONSTER. It was like someone had applied some serious suction to my eye sockets. I had no idea I was going to be so hideous. That was coupled of course by the fact that my mascara was also smeared under my eyes. Would this ever go away I wondered?? I had no idea…
Was I doing permanent damage? Would I slowly but surely give myself gigantic under eye bags with every single swim??? I was horrified. And not to mention that after I thought about it, I swear my eyeballs kinda hurt. And my biggest thought was someone please tell me they make a cream for this!!!
In retrospect, I was so terrified of the water at the time, that I spent less time in the pool worried about the deformities I was making my eyes into and just focused on not drowning. However, now that I can swim and no longer fear that a great white is going to break through the grates in the pool and eat me, the eye suck, well, SUCKS!
My friend Nicole swears by Speedo’s Women’s Vanquishers. And since the goggles I have are 3 years old and just don’t “suck”, maybe it’s time to try something new. The ones I bought were for surviving in the pool and I had no idea what I liked or what was comfortable. Now I do.
Here is my other dilemma. I have HUGE hair. If you have seen me at a race or at the pool, you will notice that my head, with a swim cap on is, like, well, like two heads smashed into a rubber casing. My mass of hair forms this giant ball that makes it really hard to get my whole head under water without swimming on the pool floor (ok, slight exaggeration..) But seriously, most of the time, my goggles are too tight because once I wrap the strap around my two heads they are super tight and smashed to my face.
So, lets just say finding a pair that I like, might be tricky.
So I invite any of you that have a photo of yourself after a swim and looking like a raccoon, please post them here!
My last quick note for you swimmers (I can’t help myself). Wet your hair first with fresh water before you swim and smother it in conditioner and then put on your cap. It’s like you are getting a warm, deep conditioning treatment every time you swim and will keep your hair in great shape. And if your under eyes are gonna droop down to your knees you better keep something lookin good!!!
Swim, Bike, Run and Live PRETTY!!!
Hey J, This makes me laugh because I remember it all too well :) I wasn't as worried about the eyes as I was my hair to be completely honest. While I was proud to carry my goggle circles for a few hours post swim, especially if I had put in an hour + swim, I just hated to think what those hours of chlorine were doing to my hair. I learned very quickly how important it is to wet your hair first. Even without a protectant on your hair that, when wet, can make your swim cap slide and pop off your head faster than you can blink, running fresh water over your locks fills your hair shafts with fresh water and it stays locked in for the most part instead of the damaging chemicals found in pool or ocean waters. Post swim conditioners are a must!!! Sweat is also very damaging to your hair and believe it or not, so is shampooing too often. In the summer/warmer days when you can't get away with skipping a shampoo, alternate a fresh water rinse and lather on the conditioner only, your luxurious locks will thank you :) PS... Redken makes Color Extend SUN (after-Sun mask AND shampoo) also UV Rescue (Brunette Guard-swim cream). :) Happy Training!!!!!
You are too funny! First of all, you could never look bad!!! You're hair is beautiful, and even if you did have raccoon eyes, you'd be the prettiest raccoon I've ever seen! I'm enjoying the blog!
...you need an oogle as well...or a bungee...whatever brand you choose...it's imperative when you have hair that gets smushed up into your cap differently each time...it'll allow you to adjust your googles a little bigger when needed or take them in a little as well!!
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