My First Swim in a LONG Time.

So I have been pretty focused on products at this point, but I do have an Ironman in 7 months. YIKES. The shock still hasn't worn off. I went to the pool today for the first time in around 8 months. Thank goodness, for me, it is a bit like riding a bike. I always worry that I'm going to lose that swim fitness and not be able to swim 50 meters without hanging on for dear life on the side of the pool catching my breathe. This was not the case, luckily. My arms were getting fatigued after 1600 meters or so, but I lived. It did occur to me as I was swimming though that I have to do 3 times that on race day! My time in the pool is going to be extensive.... my biggest fear in regards to the swim is not making the cut off. But I do believe that if I do the training, I'll be just fine. I think I can do it in 1 1/2 hours. I think the cutoff is 2 hours.

Did I test any products? No- I dabbed on a bit of concealer so I didn't look monstrous in front of the general public but that was it. I have been researching what I will be testing though, so more to come on that.

I'm just reveling in the fact that I can still swim! As a new swimmer I always feared that I am going to get in that water and I will have to overcome all the same fears and challenges. Learning to swim is HARD. It's scary and so frustrating. Someone told me once you can drown on a teaspoon full of water. That's all it takes?? Wow- now I'm super motivated. I joke that in another life i was eaten by a shark and although I know there aren't any in a pool, my fears of water weren't logical enough to know that. But- the good news is I was OK- no heart palpitations, water up my nose or moments of panic. I swam. And I will have to keep swimming to be able to complete 2.4 miles and still have the energy to bike 112 miles and run 26.2. YIKES.

Now will someone please rub my shoulders? They hurt.

SWIM, bike, run and LIVE Pretty!!


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