True Inspiration

Last year, I had the honor of meeting Charlie Plaskon. Not only is Charlie a 66 year old grandfather of 3, he is a phenomenal athlete, motivational speaker and one of the most inspiring people I have ever had the pleasure to meet. He has competed in 5 Ironman events including the World Championships in Kona Hawaii and has been featured in 2 NBC documentaries. Oh and did I mention that he is blind?

I met Charlie in March of 2009 when I was one of his guides for the Shamrock Marathon. It was, needless to say, an EYE opening experience. Imagine not knowing your pace, what mile you are at, seeing the course, the pot holes, the cheering fans, and signs of encouragement. Imagine having to have someone tell you when to spit so you don't spit on someone else and to have someone walk you to the port-a-potty because you can't find it on your own? Imagine not seeing the finish line and having to depend on someone else to narrate the experience for you because you can't see it and you don't even know that you have crossed the finish?? How many of us visualize the finish line as we train? Time and time again, I picture in my head what the Ironman finish will look like, and feel like. Try to imagine what it would be like to just  have half of that?

I have so much respect for Charlie because he hasn't let anything get in his way. And the best part is, he has such a great attitude about it. And that's the best part. Charlie is one of the warmest, happiest people I have ever met. He just sparkles with this infectious personality that is impossible not to love. And honestly, THAT is what makes him special. Not the fact that he is blind, or even an athlete.

He ran the Shamrock again this year,  and we met up at the expo. I didn't get the privilege of guiding him this year, but it was still wonderful to see him. He is now on the board of C-Different and even more dedicated to spreading the word about visually impaired people being able to lead active lives. I feel very lucky to have met someone like him because I feel like people like Charlie come into our lives very rarely, but when they do it is such a wonderful experience.  I truly believe certain people have a lasting effect on you and occupy a special part of your heart for the rest of your life.

I hope that I can have the honor of guiding Charlie again at another race.

Below is a story about visually impaired athletes.. check it out.

ABC 13- KTRK Feature

Charlie's website:


Swim, Bike, Run and Live Pretty!!

IronPretty, IronWusie, IRONBUSY!!!

I feel like all of those things in the last few weeks! I not only started a new job I want to focus on, I am also building a home and as you all know, training for an Ironman. I was sick recently as well.. that's where the ironwusie comes in. I wanted to die for about a week. I did nothing for about 5 days, and then when I started working out again, my runs and bike rides were so awful, I seriously wondered how I will finish an Ironman when my legs just won't GO! When my chest hurts because I can't catch my breath. When all I want to do is curl up and nurse my ear infection and strep throat. Yes, that's what I had. The strep- although not too common, I can handle, but the ear infection.. what is that even about? What am I six years old? It sucked... but I got through it. The bad part is, the 10 days after that were so discouraging because I still wasn't quite right. Needless to say, I was feeling like a great big wuss. Couple that with being insanely busy trying to be good at my job and keeping my house clean so someone will BUY it.

It brings up the question.. how do we do it? How does anyone training for an Ironman manage their time, their kids, husbands, jobs and life? What has to give for us to get in the 4 hours of swimming, 4+ hours of biking and 4+ hours of running in? Is it keeping the house less clean? Do we ignore our husbands for 6 months? Is your social life non existent? So I ask you, what do you give up to train?

And that poses another question...WHY????

For me, becoming an Ironman is something I want because as a girly girl that grew up doing ballet, cheerleading and dance team I never considered myself very athletic. But to me, an Ironman proves that if you prepare appropriately, and work hard, and are dedicated to a goal, you can do ANYTHING.

Swim, Bike, Run, and Live Pretty!!

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